Sudden, unexpected arrest-related death (ARD) has been associated with drug abuse, extreme delirium or certain police practices. There is insufficient surveillance and causation data available. We report 12 months of surveillance data using a novel data collection methodology.
A 26-year-old male with a history of a work-related back injury presented to the emergency department complaining of several weeks of low back pain radiating down his left leg.
An intoxicated 29-year-old male presented to the emergency department after diving into a pool with reported loss of consciousness and complaining of neck pain.
Perhaps one of the greatest achievements in medicine to date, organ transplantation has transformed the lives of thousands – bringing life to those who would surely have died without it.
A controversial term first described by Saunders and Harbaugh1 in 1984, Second Impact Syndrome (SIS) consists of two events. Typically, it involves an athlete suffering post-concussive symptoms following a head injury.
To estimate the sensitivity and specificity of emergency department (ED) ultrasound for the detection of solid organ injury following blunt abdominal trauma.
To determine the relationship between emergent intubation (emergency department and field intubation cases combined) and mortality in patients with traumatic brain injury while controlling for injury severity.
A 19-year-old female with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) presented with ischemia of her left hand following trauma. Medical therapy was initiated but failed to improve her symptoms, and revision amputation was ultimately performed. The patient’s final diagnosis was digital ischemia due to secondary Raynaud’s Phenomenon (RP). The authors discuss diagnosis, complications, and treatment of this relatively uncommon disorder. The authors report this case in order to discuss how secondary RP can be complicated by ischemia and the multidisciplinary approach that needs to take place to prevent the latter from occurring.